I love my great little niece, no, I mean my great niece who is little - eight years old. This morning she asked me, through chat, what I've been busy with. I sent her the links to the new Teaching Moment Videos.
She is notorious for her brutal honesty, as you will see, when you read her response to her first viewing of one of those videos:
"no afens but it sounds like you have goss in your mouth"
It took me a few minutes to decipher but it goes like this: "no offense but it sounds like you have gauze in your mouth".
Now, I'm really concerned! I've waited a very long time to get these messages out and if you all are not even able to understand them, well, that's quite a waste of time - I would say.
Are you having the same results on your computers with the videos? I would be very interested to know.
Just be as honest as my special little niece, who by the way, really LOVES me :)
Thank you for your help!!
Izzy Herriette & Co/Ginger Renken
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