Alright!! From the office of Izzy Herriette & Co ... this week:

Since I can't get videos to upload to this site ... still ...

It appears that we have evolved into a weekly recap of everything that's gone on around here.

We worked more on those Joey Buoy Booklets this week and finished another book in tag form.

We had an "additional message" posted this morning (Sat. Oct 29); speaking more on the subject addressed in the video "Ginger, how RED is that tree?" (Posted on You Tube Channel - Izzy Herriette / Teaching) Worth listening all the way through to!!

This week, the posting of the "prototype t-shirt" came with a digging out of a very old song from years ago with Izzy Herriette & Co.

And this would be that "prototype" ... very prototype image!! This happened to be my husband's "t" that he hung on my tripod and I knew it shouldn't have stayed there. See what happens to anything that hangs around my area for too long?

This we shared because ... I don't remember why. Oh, it was just a prop for the prototype. That's what it was! Yes, that's what it was.

Then there were the beautiful outdoor moments this past week!!

This again, was with that message from this morning!

WATCHMEN ON THE WALL - WHERE ARE YOU? Do read the article on the facebook wall of Izzy Herriette & Co/Ginger Renken.

Ok. I HAVE to share these because they are just so exciting to me!!

My tomorrow "nine year old" Grandson, helped me with this book during his visit this past summer; some of you may recall. He was elated that Grandma actually taught him to use the sewing machine and he actually was allowed to help her sew some of these books together.

Well, we've had a little secret all along, with these little books. Ethan was recorded (he was so honored) reading "author Grandma's" booklet - live. We did a studio set up for him and he was so nervous!! He took it all SO SERIOUSLY! Amazing little boy he is! So ... for his birthday ... Grandma and Grandpa are sending him a CD of photos of his recording, sewing and playing at our house this summer and an actual finished book. His family has no knowledge of this yet. He is going to be SO EXCITED!!

And because you are considered "family" here with us at Izzy Herriette & Co ... we SHARE these things with you!

I am just really liking these colors, textures and everything about this project.

And of course, we can't forget that this is a SERIOUS project, as it is a prophecy given me in March of 2011 - shortly after the earthquake in Japan.

The LORD wanted the message placed in these little books, in hopes that you will get them and place them in a "priority prayer place" that every time you see it, you will be reminded to pray over the message contained within the pages!!

GOD is so SPEAKING to His CHURCH in the earth today!!

For those who have an ear to hear what the Spirit has to say!!

And this may just surprise you but I have found in teaching the content of my 647 page book Manifesto-Before the Cock Crows, that there are people outside of the LORD who are more interested in hearing than those inside!

Well, we will just continue to PRESS forward in EVERYTHING that He's calling us to do ... today and every day!!
We're hoping your weekend is going as well as ours is and that you are communing with Him in everything you do; just as we are!
Our LOVE and BLESSINGS to you and yours! See you next week!